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How to learn a foreign language with a VPN

a year ago

Have you ever found yourself tangled in the web of language learning, desperately trying to grasp foreign words and phrases, only to be met with frustration, minimal progress, and an endless loop of self-doubt? If you've experienced the agony of forgetting that one crucial word or stumbling through a conversation, then you're not alone. Many language learners have embarked on this arduous journey, facing numerous challenges along the way. But what if I told you there's a simpler, more effective method to become a polyglot? Brace yourself because the solution lies in a surprising tool: a VPN. Yes, you heard that right!

In this article, we will delve into the remarkable world of learning a foreign language with a VPN, uncovering the hidden potential and the transformative power it holds. Get ready to unlock a whole new level of language learning that could transform you into a polyglot.


The Two Approaches to Learning

When it comes to acquiring a new skill, you have two options:

  • The traditional, formal method
  • The enjoyable, non-formal method

When I mention the traditional method, picture yourself sitting in a classroom with a grammar textbook open in front of you. This is known as formal learning, and it's the standard approach employed by most educational institutions.

On the other hand, informal learning is a more contemporary concept. The idea of an unsystematic learning method has been around since the 1960s and is often referred to as "learning in the community" or "learning through experience."

In the case of language learning, informal learning involves immersion. It's akin to how some people claim to have learned English by playing online video games or watching movies without subtitles (thanks, Hollywood!).

Of course, both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, but we won't delve into that debate here.

The Building Blocks of Language Learning

The foundation of the language learning process consists of two components:

  • Listening
  • Speaking

However, before you can engage in conversation, you need an initial encounter with the language to become acquainted with word pronunciation and intonation. At the very least, you should be able to distinguish where one word ends and another begins.

Then comes the more laborious part: grammar, vocabulary, and countless hours of repetition. Fun, isn't it? Well, that's the traditional way.

However, some renowned polyglots argue that formal learning alone may not be sufficient. Let me illustrate this scenario for you:

Imagine you learned Spanish in high school, and things went smoothly. You were able to speak the language effortlessly and even communicate with native speakers. Consequently, you proudly listed "Fluent in Spanish" on your resume.

However, as time passed and you pursued different paths, you found yourself at an airport five years later, and someone approached you, seeking directions in German. To your dismay, you realized you had forgotten many words.

This occurrence is not uncommon. Our brains are wired to forget, or else we would go mad. The saying "use it or lose it" particularly holds true for foreign language vocabulary.

Studies have shown that there is no inherent aptitude for language learning; instead, it heavily depends on your exposure to the foreign language. If you wish to retain your language skills, you must maintain frequent contact with the language.

This is where a VPN becomes incredibly helpful in language learning. With a VPN, you can fully immerse yourself and:

  • Unlock streaming channels
  • Download movies
  • Read books
  • Listen to the radio
  • Use language

Let’s take a closer look at this matter.

Unlocking streaming channels in your desired language can be a game-changer for language learning. Just like how we acquired our native tongues through listening, the same principle can be applied to foreign languages. However, it's important to note that simply watching foreign television alone won't make you fluent, but it can reinforce what you're already studying. Once you have a solid foundation in the language, TV shows can help with idioms and expand your vocabulary.

While it may not be the most interactive method of learning, it's certainly more enjoyable than sticking to grammar books. Combining entertainment and learning has been proven to enhance motivation and engagement, especially among adults.

Thankfully, there are numerous streaming channels available where you can find content in your target language. You can search for channels that broadcast from countries where your desired language is spoken. By watching movies and TV shows, you'll have the opportunity to listen to native speakers and even enjoy dubbed versions.

Keep in mind that some streaming services may require a subscription. For instance, the German channel ARD offers plenty of free streaming content, while the French Canal+ channel necessitates a paid subscription to access content beyond trailers.

Netflix & learn

If you happen to be a Netflix user, you may have already noticed the increasing diversity of their original content, particularly from a linguistic standpoint

To search for different audio versions of content on Netflix, you can utilize the search engine and apply audio filters. Alternatively, you can use this link: If you want to specify a particular country, simply add the respective country code after the last slash in the URL. For instance:

To enhance your language learning experience, you can also enable subtitles to gain a better understanding of the written language. However, it's worth noting that subtitles are often subjective and may not perfectly align with the spoken dialogue.

In case you don't have a Netflix subscription, fret not! There are plenty of other streaming sites available, such as PopcornFlix, which offers a dedicated category for foreign movies.


If you're not keen on subscribing to services that require a recurring fee, that's perfectly fine. There are still plenty of great movies and series available for download.

A good starting point is to watch dubbed content that you've already seen in your native language. Since you're already familiar with the storyline, it becomes easier to concentrate on the vocabulary and make progress in your language learning journey.

For beginners, seeking out kids' shows can be a surprisingly effective approach. Despite their seemingly silly nature, these shows provide an ideal foundation for grasping the basics. The characters tend to speak more slowly and enunciate their words more clearly. Additionally, they typically use a common vocabulary, facilitating the learning of idioms, general nouns, and verbs.

An added benefit of kids' shows is that they are often short in duration. This makes it effortless to stay focused and even jot down some notes along the way.

If this piques your interest, consider exploring Disney Plus. Due to their widespread popularity, most of their titles have already been dubbed. Just be cautious not to get the songs stuck in your head for days on end.

Dive into literature

While movies and shows can be enjoyable, the importance of grammar eventually comes into play. While binge-watching can enhance your vocabulary, it may not be as effective for developing a solid grasp of grammar.

That’s why books come in!

A fantastic way to start is by reading a foreign book you've already experienced in your native language. This approach allows you to compare sentence structures, word order, and become more familiar with the syntax.

Bilingual editions are also invaluable for comprehending the language and comparing colloquial expressions.

Even if you're a beginner, you can venture into children's books or comics. These materials are visually-oriented, making it easier to follow the storyline.

However, depending on your location, finding books in foreign languages might not be readily available in local bookstores. The content available may vary due to copyright restrictions, differing from what's accessible in neighboring countries.

The good news is that a VPN can come to the rescue by altering your IP address. For platforms like iTunes, Play Store, and Audible, you'll need to modify both your IP and your account's country settings.

There are no excuses left for not embracing your inner bookworm!

Tune in to the radio

There's no denying that listening plays a vital role in language learning.

Radio offers convenience and accessibility on the go, allowing you to tune in and immerse yourself in a foreign language wherever you are.

Listening to music can also enhance your memory. By investing effort in memorizing and translating lyrics, you'll quickly recognize phrases in the future.

These radio stations provide a variety of music, news, shows, and podcasts, helping you acclimate to the language and culture.

Music proves to be beneficial when learning a foreign language, not just for listening purposes. When singing songs, we unconsciously attempt to replicate the sounds and intonations, effectively masking our native accents. Unless, of course, you're an avid black metal enthusiast.

Moreover, the radio can even improve your social life, as weather or sports reports serve as excellent conversation starters across different countries.

However, similar to streaming services, radio stations might also be subject to geo-restrictions. But fear not, a VPN can easily change your IP address, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of passive exposure!

Finding foreign content online may not be a daunting task, but there are certain obstacles to be mindful of:

  • Numerous streaming services and websites impose geo-restrictions, limiting the availability of content based on the decisions of copyright holders regarding distribution and platform selection. A prominent example of this is Netflix, renowned for its varying catalog across different countries due to show-specific restrictions. Additionally, national broadcasters like YLE in Finland intend their streams to be exclusively accessible within their respective countries' borders.
  • Illegally uploaded content on certain websites also poses another challenge. Free streaming platforms sustained by advertising revenue may seem appealing, but they often disregard the rights of copyright holders. In response to copyright infringement concerns, some countries, like the UK, have compelled government authorities to take action against these websites. This has resulted in domain blocking by Internet Service Providers and the imposition of fines on offenders

It’s time for SYSVPN

A VPN offers a valuable solution by altering your IP address through a secure VPN server location. This process allows you to overcome geo-restrictions, safeguard yourself against copyright trolls and ISPs' traffic monitoring, making VPN software an ideal choice.

A reliable VPN ensures that your connection remains encrypted at all times, protecting your digital activities from prying eyes. However, circumventing geo-restrictions presents a more complex challenge as streaming services employ VPN detection technologies specifically designed to block VPN users.

This is where a VPN service with streaming-optimized servers becomes essential, enabling you to navigate under the radar effectively. If you're seeking a comprehensive VPN solution to support your language learning journey, SYSVPN is the perfect choice. With SYSVPN, you have the freedom to select the desired server location when connecting, allowing you to browse and stream content as if you were physically present in that country.

*Please note that SYSVPN, being a VPN service, should not be used as a means of copyright circumvention. It is advisable to review the SYSVPN Terms of Service and the Terms of Use provided by your content provider for additional information.

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